Talent and skills have their place but there is a mindset of building vs complaining.

Some of the complainers in my life have been quite extraordinarily talented.

How do we know the difference?

Moving Forward

You either go with the best idea on the table or present a better path forward.


Now, presenting a better path forward is easy if the path is some utopian idea without a clear plan to execute it. It actually means taking responsibility for executing the better path or suggesting something that is implementable with the current resources on the table.

Builders will make sure we take one step forward, even if it is not the best output currently. Complainers will aim for perfection and have vague ideas of how a website can be built.

Saying I will find a better developer for this salary is better than saying I don’t think we should hire this guy.

Saying I know there is a bottleneck but this is how we may solve it is better than saying there is a bottleneck over and over again.